Friday, January 15, 2010

Social Mobility Studies -- 2

Good morning Mr. and Ms. America from border to border and coast to coast and all the ships at sea. Your Perez Hilton, er Perez Hyatt, is tanned, rested, and ready after skipping most of the AHA to join the March on Manchester and do a little swimming and hot tubbing, though I was bumming not to be able to bubble with Ian Lekus, Nick Syrett, and Jen Manion. They were just too busy elsewhere.

I did pick up some juicy gossip in the jacuzzi:

Corporate reorganization alert! Wal-Mart is considering opening a Baltimore branch, right on the Johns Hopkins campus. But like all corporate relocations, it's a zero sum game.

If Baltimore wins, Athens will lose. What will the truckers and confidence men do?

But that's a big if.

One thing for sure. No one will be saving money. But someone will live better.

Still waiting for more news.


  1. The link is not working.

  2. Bethany Moreton to Hopkins? A move up in the world that would be most deserved!

  3. Anonymous (1), try the link now. Anonymous (2), who's to say that Hopkins trumps Georgia, at least in American history?

  4. It might not trump Georgia in American history, but it's still a great department to be in! There have long been excellent people there in European and Asian history too! Terrific colleagues to have...

  5. Unless things have changed over the past year or so, there's also a two-body problem involved in the move from UGA to JHU. Would JHU w/o partner trump UGA w/ partner?

  6. This is already old news. Fresh gossip, please!

  7. Gossip is only fresh to those who haven't heard it. That's most of us.

  8. meh, the book is overrated.

  9. The book is very 2004.

  10. This is NOT old gossip. In fact, many people at Georgia (and particularly grad students, who may be low ont he totem pole but would be perhaps most affected by Moreton's and Voekel's departures) have been kept in the dark until very recently. Is Hopkins necessarily "better" at history than Georgia? I don't know. But does Georgia almost deserve to lose these gems? Yes, because it has no money and no common sense and has nearly collapsed on itself.

  11. The book is more relevant and teachable and sellable than 98 percent of the monographs produced these days.

  12. JHU would be a great place to work if you were 102 years old and looking to end your career on a high note. You couldn't pay me enough to work with Franklin Knight, either; he even makes stories about rum boring. I'd take UGA any day.

  13. Yes I agree. Walmart quits the quietness of the places they arrive. I prefer very much many little supermarkets that those big ones that just give low salaries to their employees. Buy Viagra Viagra

  14. Right on the Johns Hopkins campus. But like all corporate relocation....

  15. Wal-Mart is considering opening a Baltimore branch, right on the Johns Hopkins campus...

  16. I just have to say wonderful as the complement. I liked the blog. Thanks.

  17. Wal-mart is considering opening a Baltimore branch, right on the Johns Hopkins campus.But every man should have the right to speak out.

  18. This is very true that Harvard's budget can't be that bad.

  19. Johns Hopkins campus it`s a popular place and i think its profitable to begin a business there

  20. I am so glad that you are back. Hope that your vacation was a great one and hope that you will write about it something for us.

  21. Wal-Mart is considering opening a Baltimore branch, right on the Johns Hopkins campus. But like all corporate relocations, it's a zero sum game.

  22. I never thought that these blogs could be so informative. I appreaciate what you are doing here for us man.

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
